Animated Widget
- Animated Widget PRO. Pro version on google play. No restrictions.
- Animated Widget Free ( = Animated Widget Contact Launch). Free version on google play. Number of ads-free widgets are limited.
- Animated Widget Next BETA. Free version on google play with same restrictions as Animated Widget Free. But this version is updated more frequently and may contain some additional diagnostic tools in the code.
- Animated Widget Basic. Free version for alternative (not google play) markets with same restrictions as Animated Widget Free. Currently, this version is available on Yandex.Store and on SlideMe.
What's new
- Support of gestures (scroll, swipe, pinch, zoom, 1-3 fingers) to start actions. See details.
- New global configuration params: "Enable gestures" and "Enable gesture's animation".
- Minimum required Android API is changed from 9 to 15 (Android 4.0.3).
- Free version only: limitation of number of created widgets is replaced by limitation of number of ads-free widgets. Total number of created widgets is not limited anymore.
- Compartibility with Android Kitkat is improved
- Bugfixing
2.0.1 (08 June 2014)
- fixed problem with custom images
- fixed problem with empty list in group contact selector: currently applied filters are visible now and could be removed by single tap
- fixed several bugs in bookmarks launcher
- effect of moving shorcuts was returned
- Facebook selector was completely changed because of recent changes in Facebook (see detailes)
- minor improvements and bugfixes
- Specialized shortcuts: new possibility to set specified applications for Contact actions (video)
- Two new types of open animation: expansion and rotation.
- New contact action to run Facebook messenger.
- New contact action to open address on map.
- Long tap on application in Launcher opens application's page in the settings.
- Bookmarks widget is able to load bookmarks from Chrome, Yandex browser and Boat Browser.
- A lot of minor improvements and bugfixes.
- Note for users with Samsung devices with Android 4.4.2: all widgets disappeare after update most probably because of the bug in Touchwiz launcher
1.7.6 (2 Apr 2014)
- Fixed issue with loading images from Facebook. Facebook API 3.X is used for authorization.
- Animation kind is renamed to Layout type
- Images cache is stored to internal memory by default on devices with Android ver. 4.1 and higher.
There is new possibility to select cache location (none, sd-card, internal memory) in
application settings.
- New applications are marked by red "New!" label in the "Select application" dialog.
- New page to vote for new featurs:
1.7.5 (06 Mar 2014)
- Spanish, Bulgarian, French, Romanian, Italian, Hungarian, Serbian and Ukrainian localizations were significantly improved.
- Compatibility with Google Nexus is improved.
- Parameter "Overlapping status bar is allowed" works both for table and circle allocation kind.
- Restored compatibility with Viber 4.2.
- Bugfixing
1.7.4 (30 Nov 2013)
- #299. Fixed compatibility with Android 4.3
- #297. New setting parameter: Overlapping status bar is allowed (true by default).
If it's enabled, then table of shorctucts can be partly overlapped by
notification bar.
- #301. Long tap on widget icon in opened widget opens menu. If more
button is not available, just open widget and make long tap on widget icon
to get access to menu.
- #296. if you used table or compact table layout and the widget
was located on right side of the screen, shortcuts were displayed on left
side of the screen. Now shorcuts are displayed more compacted around
the widget.
- #302. Menu item "Open contact" wasn't visible in context menu of subcontact.
- #295. Button "Delete all" in "Widget properties" worked incorrectly in some circumstances
- Arabic localization is significantly enchanced.
1.7.3 (27 Sep 2013)
1.7.2 (23 Sep 2013)
1.7.1 (29 Jun 2013)
1.7.0 (17 Jun 2013)
- #241. Support of native videocalls in Single and Group contacts.
Some devices doesn't support videocalls via gsm/umts networks (i.e. HTC One X),
videcall action won't be available on such devices.
- #207. List of backup files are sorted by last modification time.
- #1. Possibility to set color of shortcuts.
- Possibility to select text style in widget properties.
Support of two text styles: shadow (old) and outlined (new).
- "auto" icon set (black for white skins and white for black skins)
- Possibility to set color of widget text
- Possibility to select colors of shortcuts background. Possible modes: default, auto and custom. In mode "auto" a color of shortcut is selected
automatically dependend on shortcut type. You are able to set color for each type of shortcut in Application Settings (see parameter "Shortcut Type -> Color")
- Possibility to edit shortcut properties. It's possible to edit text of shortcut title, skin, color of skin and color of shortcut text.
- New button "Other applications..." in section "About"
- #250: Dialog of Facebook contact selection is improved: now, it's possible
to load image of selected contact immediatelly by tap
- Filters were added to lists of applications, bookmarks and facebook contacts.
- By default subcontacts inherite properties of parent group widget.
- Animated Widget supports Viber 3.X now and doesn't support Viber 2.X anymore
1.6.6 (6 December 2012)
- + Croatian localization was added.
- * Bugfixing.
1.6.5 (3 December 2012)
- - #227. Facebook action in Single and Group Contact Widgets didn't work with recent version of Facebook application. Fixed.
- + #205. Single/Group Contact Widget supports action "Chat with Skype".
- + #187. When you tap on "..." button Animated Widget shows custom menu instead of default menu on Android ver. 3 and higher.
- - #223. There was no possibility to update Animated Widget Contact info after
changing phone numbers in contact properties. Animated Widget shows new phone number in
list of actions, but actually continues to use previous phone number. New behavior:
after changing phone/email in contact properties, open Animated Widget properties.
You will see notification about changing phone/email and suggestion: remove all actions
for old phone or remove old phone by new one in all actions.
- + #213. New possibility to select application that should be used to view/edit contact properties when Open Contact button is clicked in Single/Group Contact Widget.
It's actual for users who prefer to use alternative contact applications (like Contacts+) for these purposes. By default this feature is disabled to avoid compartibility
problems with default contact application. To use this feature turn on new flag "Contacts+ compatibility" in Application Settings.
- + German and Galician localizations were added.
- - #220. HUGE shortcuts size is reduced from 300% to 200%.
- ! #226. There is a problem on some ICS devices - widgets are opened with shift by Y.
It looks like at this moment there is no possibility to reliably solve this problem
on all devices. So, I have added possibility to workaround the problem by
manual selection of compensatory shift for position of opened widget by
using new configuration parameter: "Correction of widget position by Y".
For example, it worth to select shift = 6 on HTC One X to avoid this problem.
- - #198. Bookmark launcher didn't display bookmark titles in some circumstances.
1.6.4 (6 June 2012)
- + New flag "Transparent shortcuts". It allows to hide background of shortcut buttons.
- - Single tap stopped to work sometime if flag "Toggled tap and double tap
action" was enabled. Fixed. Please re-save widget properties to avoid this
- * "None skin" mode support is improved: icons are drawn with transparancy
- - Bookmarks are stored case-sensitive.
1.6.3 (2 June 2012)
- - Bugfixing and minor improvements.
1.6.2 (31 May 2012)
- + Brazilian Portuguese localization was added
- * Long tap on "..." button directly opens widget properties without opening menu at the bottom of the screen.
- - Problem with double tap in Single Contact Widget is fixed.
- - Loading images from Facebook didn't work.
- - Bugfixing and minor improvements.
1.6.1 (29 May 2012)
- + Portuguese localization was added
- + New configuration parameter "Show Menu button always". It allows you to display hidden "..." button at first position in all widgets.
- - Widgets have wrong size on ICS (2x2 instead of 1x1)
- - Flag "Toggle tap and double tap action" didn't work.
1.6.0 (28 May 2012)
- ! New style of widget properties editor. Now, you can change widget parameters and view results immediately without closing widget properties.
- + Possibility to select skin and iconset for overlays (overlays are small icons upon shortcuts in group contact).
- + Possibility to select position of overlays.
- + Possibility to select shortcuts label mode (hide, title, details, title + detailes). Different widget types have different set of available modes.
- + Support of "no skin" to get widgets and overlays without background.
- + New action in single contact: "Call using Viber". This action is not added automatically, you should add it manually if necessary.
- + New action in single contact: "Facebook".
- + New skin "Round Black Gloss".
- + Romanian, Serbian and Lithuanian localizations were added.
- + Two new iconsets: ICS Holo Light and ICS Holo Darks
- + Possibility to delete all items by single click in Widget Properties
- + Possibility to automatically sort items in Widget Properties
- * ACRA library is used for crash reports handling
- * Subcontacts in group contact appears in the order of selection. In the previous versions the order of appearing was undetermined.
- - Bugfixing and minor improvements.
1.5.5 (16 march 2012)
- ! Bug with incorrect contact selection is fixed. Thanks a lot to Igor Pavlov for the help with fixing this device-depended bug.
- + New localizations were added: French, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
- + New transparent skins were added.
- * A distance between rows in table layout was slightly increased.
- - Bugfixing and minor improvements.
1.5.4 (31 january 2012)
- + New background colors added
- + New localizations were added: Czech, Chinese, Danish, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Spanish, Argentina Spanish, Japanese, Greek
- - Bugfixing and minor improvements.
1.5.3 (14 january 2012)
- + Animated Widget page was created on Facebook,
- + New possibility to localize Animated Widget on any language. To make translation use project page at
- + New support system based on Get Satisfaction service.
- + Russian localization is added.
- + New configuration parameter "Language" to select interface language.
- - Selection of custom images didn't work on Android 4.0. Fixed.
- - Fixed bug with disappearing subcontacts in group contact on some devices.
- - Fixed problem with shift widget position when it is being clicked Android 3.X/4.X.
- * Fixed problem with SMS group action. It didn't work on some devices because different
manufactures use different spliiters in list of phones that is sent to SMS application.
I.e. HTC uses ';', Samsung - ','. New version allows user to explicitly choose what splitter
should be used.
- - Bugfixing and minor improvements.
1.5.2 (2 january 2012)
- - Restored possibility to edit widget names. It was broken in 1.5.1
- - Group contact didn't work on Android 4.0
- - Bugfixing
1.5.1 (26 december 2011)
- + New type of widgets - "Bookmarks launcher".
- + New possibility to display widget titles and shortcut labels with semitransparent background. New application settings parameter: "Display labels with background".
- - Fixed bug that leads to group contacts crash on some devices.
- * Backup/restore dialogs was made more informative.
- + Possibility to set custom file names for backups.
- + Possibility to change backup folder in Application Settings, see parameter "Folder to store backups".
- - Fixed problem with selection custom images on some devices
1.5.0 (30 november 2011), updated (1 december 2011)
- + New action "Launch application" in single contact. It can be useful if the application is contact depended.
- + New action "Call using Skype Out" in single contact.
- + Possibility to crop custom images loaded from the gallery.
- + Possibility to delete custom images. Use long tap on image.
- + Possibility to send emails and SMS to all subcontacts of group contact.
To do it: open group contact, click "more" button (or press Menu hardware button),
select "Group action". You will see list of possible group actions (SMS, email) with count of possible addresses for each action.
- + New flag "Show shortcut titles below images" in group widget properties.
This is a way to show subcontact name instead of subcontact phone number.
It works for subcontacts with images only.
- + New: Long tap on some single contact shortcuts (call, sms, email, web) opens choosing application dialog always.
Short tap uses default application and opens dialog if and only if default application is not specified.
(f.e. it's useful to send sms occasionally through Viber, Whatsapp or another application instead cell phone).
- - Fixed the problem with applications installed on SD card.
The widget reads list of installed applications during widget start.
Applications on SD card can be unavailable at this moment (especially if widget was started immediattelly after phone restart).
As result, when you tried to execute such application, you got message "Application was removed. Would you like to edit widget properties now".
New version re-reads list of application at the moment of execution, so possibility of appearing such message is significantly reduced.
- - Fixed some bugs which lead to crash during opening of group contact on some devices.
- - Fixed some bugs which lead to incorrect contact selection during creation of new widget on some devices.
- * Minor changes and bugfixing.
1.4.5 (19 september 2011)
- + Group contact: Long click on opened subcontact in group contact opens subcontact shortcuts.
- + Group contact: New option in settings "Togle tap and long tap on subcontacts". If you select it, then you will be able to open subcontacts in group contact using single tap instead of long tap. This option is turned off by default.
- - Performance of widget properties saving was significantly improved.
- * Group contact: Combo icons generation alghorithm was changed. Now, contacts with images have higher priority during generation then contacts without images.
- * "Known issues" topic was added at the top of this page.
- * Launcher: recently installed/updated applications are marked by yellow color in the list of applications
- + All widgets: there is new option "Show widget title below image" in widget properties. Check it to display widget title below widget image.
- - Bug: restore didn't work on Droid (and, probably, on some other devices)
- - Bugfixing
1.4.4 (12 august 2011)
- + Possibility to set custom image to subcontacts in group contact.
- + Possibility to select image for single contact (and for subcontact in group contact) from facebook. Open single contact widget properties, click on widget icon and click on button "Faceboook..."
- - Backup didn't work on some devices.
- - Bugfixing
1.4.3 (28 jule 2011)
- + New feature: show text over shortcuts (phone numbers, application titles, etc). It's necessary to select "Show shortcuts labels" in widget properties to turn this feature on. By default this feature is turned off.
- + New possibility to set custom icons to any widget (exception: subcontacts in group contact). Open widget properties and click on widget icon to select custom image.
- * Checkbox "Hide photo" in single contact properties was removed. To hide photo open widget properties, click on widget icon and select first (empty) icon.
- - Layout of shortcuts in Table was made more optimal in both landscape and portrait orientations.
- - Size of text in group contact was too small on some devices. Fixed.
- * Text "Buy Pro" appears and disappears with fading.
- * Default skin was changed from CircleWhite on RoundWhiteSquare.
- - Some bugs in group contact were fixed. FC problem should be solved.
- - Effect "moving shortcuts" was modified: shortcuts move 2 seconds only and then stop. They start to move again after device shaking.
- - Bugfixing
1.4.2 (7 jule 2011)
- + New visual effect: moving shortcuts. Device shaking increases amplitude of shortcuts.
- * New category in settings: visual effects
- * Configuration parameter "Enable G-Senser effects" was renamed to "Hide overlays on shaking"
- ! New restriction for free version: max count of widgets is limited.
- + New possibility to change size of shortcuts. You can set default size for all widgets (in app settings) and also set size for shortcuts of specified widget (in widget properties).
- - Some bugs were fixed.
1.4.1 (22 june 2011)
- ! Apsalar statistics is implemented.
- + Filter by group is implemented in contact(s) selector.
- + Filter by accounts is implemented in contact(s) selector.
- * Name of selected group is used as default name for newly created group contact widget.
- - Performance of group contact animation is improved
- + New G-Senser effect for group contact widget: if you shake device then overlays (small action icons) will disappear for short time.
- + New configuration parameter "Enable G-Senser effects".
1.4.0 (28 may 2011)
- + New type of widgets - group contact.
- + Possibility to backup all or selected widgets to file
- + Possibility to restore widget from backup file
- + New possibility to create contact widget using alternative contact selector is introduced. New contact selector will help to work around the problem with creation of contact-widget on some devices (in particular, with custom firmwire). If you can't create contact widget (you select contact, but widget is not created), try to use alternative contact selector.
- ! Pro version works as unlocker for free version. It's not necessary anymore to recreate widgets after buying pro version.
- - It wasn't possible to add different application of same creator to single launcher widget (i.e. several different Angry Birds applications). Fixed.
- * Now it's possible to select default email application for sending emails.
- + Overlays in group contacts (action icons - sms, call, etc - are displayed over buttons).
- + New configuration parameter: "Group animation". It sets default animation kind for group contact.
- + New configuration parameter: "Enable overlays in group contact".
- ! Widgets are updated in separate thread to avoid possibility of "going blank and becoming unresponsive after restart"
- * Skype action is not add by default in single contact widget because currently Skype actions are useless - Skype application doesn't support calls from external applications.
- - Single contact widget didn't update phone after changing phone in contact properties. It continued to use old phone even if you open and save widget properties. Fixed. Now, widget uses new phone after opening and saveing widget properties
- - Moving actions in contact widget actions led to change of double tap action. Fixed.
1.3.1 (16 march 2011)
- * Now it's possible to select email application when you click on "email" in contact widget.
- + New possibility to select animation type and animation speed for each widget individually. You can select default type of animation and default animation speed in application settings as previously.
- + New animation type - Table (compact). There are 5 buttons per row, buttons have smaller size and looks like in Circle-animation.
- + New skin "Round White Square" with square shortcuts.
- * Now it's possible to view "what's new" in quick start window. You can also view "what's new" by
opening any widget, pressing Menu button and selecting command "what's new".
- - Doubletap for email action didn't work. Fixed.
- - When you create new contact widget, doubletap action should be automatically assigned on first phone call. It was broken in 1.3. Fixed.
- ! Now widgets are updated in background service. Possibility of AWR-error on busy devices is reduced.
- - Opened table widget didn't close on second click if the widget contained too much buttons and some of them were out of screen.
- - Fixed some problems with button positions in horizontal screen orientation.
- ! Widget worked incorrectly with contacts of some types, i.e. contacts stored on SIM card.
After device restart, the application couldn't find phone numbers for such contacts and
shown messages like that: "Application 'Call' was removed. Would you like to edit widget properties?".
Fixed. But it's necessary to open and re-save properties of such widgets.
- + Now, by default, launcher displays button "More.." beside icons of applications.
This button equals to "Menu" button on device and opens option menu.
To hide it use flag "Hide button More.." in widget properties.
- - Doubletap in launcher didn't work.
- - Some bugs that led to crashes in rare cases were fixed.
1.3 (9 march 2011)
- + New widget type - "Launcher of applications".
- + Possibility to select launcher combo-icon. Try to click on launcher icon in widget properties window.
- + Drag&drop is implemented in widget properties window. So, now it's possible to change order of buttons in easy way.
- + New animation type - Table. There are 4 buttons per row, buttons has same size as widget. You can select default animation type for launcher and contact widget in application settings.
- + New possibility to cache images on SD card to improve performance. It's turned on by default and can be turned off in application settings.
1.0 (21 oct 2010)